Latest Catalina Sea Camp News

Happy New Years Eve!

Only hours until those transitional 10 seconds that lead us into the New Year. What have you done differently this year compared to the last? Did you uphold your end of the deal to practice a consistent workout routine, to eat healthier, or to spend more time outdoors? Or did new resolutions arise as this year began to age? Lets take a minute to think back on this year and reflect on all that we have accomplished.NYResolutions

It’s tradition to set goals with a new coming year in order to make change and to better ourselves as individuals. A fresh start is what most interpret the New Year to be, and many take advantage of setting up check points in order to steer ourselves towards success. As human beings, we only want to enhance ourselves so that we can embrace the maximum that life can give each of us individually and simply enjoy it with peace. This whole resolution phenomenon is said to have began back with the ancient Babylonians. It was believed among the people that in order to have a good year and be in good status with the gods that they would make promises that needed to be fulfilled in order to pay respects to those above them.

As you are looking back on 2015 and all the doors that you have walked through, focus on the growth you’ve succeeded within yourself. The goals you’ve reached. The transitions you’ve made. Focus on the people and the experiences that have taken you from the moment that glass, shimmering ball hit zero seconds on January 1st to the person you are right now in the present, both good and bad. Don’t reject the bad, but accept it and learn for growth is a natural process that shouldn’t be fought. Whether you know it or now, you’re a different person from once this year began. Use all that you have gained to help you make new resolutions for the upcoming year.

Here at CIMI and Catalina Sea Camp, we all make resolutions in order to make our time here the best that it can be, whether it’s related to making ourselves better educators or conservationists on this island, or even to make us better hosts for the students and campers who visit us.

The most important message to take this is to set yourself up for success. Make goals that will optimize your happiness and experiences in life. If you’re aware of things that need change, make goals that will help you find resolution and lead you towards feeling ultimate in the end. We hope to see you soon next year in 2016!!!

Written by: John Cornett

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