Paul Kupferman

Summer Operations Director

Paul is a lifer. He first attended Catalina Sea Camp in summer 1986 and fell in love with the program, the facility, and the people.

Paul was a first-year counselor at Catalina Sea Camp in 1992, and he returned each summer thereafter until he graduated from UCSB. After four years of working in the entertainment industry, Paul was presented with the opportunity to come back to the summer camp world, and he jumped on it, returning as the Summer Camp Director for AstroCamp in 2000. He eventually was hired as the Sea Camp Summer Camp Director in 2003. Paul works with all phases of camp management where he offers his creativity, energy, and sense of humor.​ Paul and his family (wife Heather, and children, Kaliope and Nathaniel) call Toyon Bay their home every summer.

Catalina Sea Camp and the people there built me into the person that I am today. I look for the good in people and I seek fun in everything that I do. Camp taught me to believe in myself, try new things, and hold my loved ones close. I truly believe that summer camp can make the world a better place through interpersonal communication and the ability to get outside your comfort zone.”

Toyon Bay waterfront.

Work With

Catalina Sea Camp