Courses and Certifications

Our dive program takes advantage of the best diving in Southern California. From majestic kelp forests to rocky reef, to eel grass beds, to sandy bottom, all our dive sites are fantastic and chock full of marine life.
Shore Diving
Boat Diving
Boat diving is done aboard the chartered vessel, the SCUBA Cat operated by Catalina Divers Supply out of Avalon. The boat makes morning and afternoon trips to areas with the best diving conditions on the island. Common destinations include Twin Rocks, Bird Rock, Ship Rock, the West End Quarry (the Crane), and Ripper’s Cove.
Dive Park Diving
Campers have the opportunity to dive at Casino Point, the oldest protected area on the island. The Dive Park is open to the public and is one of the best dive sites on Catalina. Abundant kelp forests, marine life, and frequent sightings of Black Sea Bass make it a camper favorite. Divers use cement stairs for entries and exits.
Night Diving
Campers can participate in night dives during elective program evenings (3 elective evenings per session). Participation in a night dive is required for Advanced and Master Diver certifications and is optional for other courses.