Health & Safety

At Catalina Sea Camp, the safety and well-being of our participants is paramount.
In all of our classes and activities, we provide exceptional teaching and supervision by instructors who have been trained in the specific program areas. All campers and staff are required to follow safety guidelines for each activity and properly utilize relevant safety equipment.
All of our instructors are trained as Waterfront Lifeguards, which includes CPR/AED for the Professional Rescuer, First Aid, and Emergency Oxygen Administration. Staff also utilize two-way radios for constant contact with the office and camp directors.
While camp is in session, a registered nurse lives on site to manage camper medications and attend to medical needs 24-hours-a-day. Campers with medications or specific medical needs should be sure to include relevant information on their Health History Form. Medical and safety requirements for scuba classes can be found in our Scuba Guide.
In the case of illness, medical emergency or a situation requiring additional assistance, we follow all appropriate EMS procedures. There is a pharmacy, clinic, and hospital in the nearby town of Avalon. For medical emergencies we contact the local paramedics who will travel to camp to provide necessary care and arrange transport if needed.

Accredited Summer Camp by the American Camp Association
Our health and safety practices are developed by following strict guidelines provided by the American Camp Association (ACA). All Guided Discoveries programs, including Catalina Sea Camp, have current accreditations from the ACA and undergo a thorough reaccreditation process every 5 years.