What makes Catalina Sea Camp so special is campers have access to unique activities that cannot be found at other summer camps. Here are just a few things you should consider while you’re at camp (and tick them off your list when you’re at camp!):
[ ] Try something new!
From stand-up paddle boarding and kayaking to archery and an ecology hike, there’s lots to do at Catalina Sea Camp—making it the perfect place to step out of your comfort zone and try something new and exciting.
[ ] Get your scuba certification
One of the many perks of Catalina Sea Camp is that you can get your diving certification at camp! Known to be one of the most beautiful and popular spots to dive, you’ll have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity right in your backyard thanks to our private beaches.

[ ] Learn about the species that live on Catalina Island
Catalina Island is one of the most diverse islands in the Southern California Channel Islands—thanks partly to its large size and proximity to California’s mainland. There are over 90 species of animals on the island!
[ ] Take part in a water sport
Tubing, surfing, sailing, stand-up paddle boarding, and more. If you want to try out, or get better at, your favorite water sport you can do so in our private bay.

[ ] Bond with your cabin mates
Campers in the cabins at Catalina Sea Camp can freshen up, share favorite experiences with bunkmates, and get some shuteye in preparation for the next action-packed day. Get closer to your cabin by playing a game or swapping stories from the day’s activities.
[ ] Go snorkeling
With gorgeous crystalline waters and lots of wildlife snorkeling at Catalina Sea Camp is an unforgettable experience! Plus, you can even go night snorkeling and possibly catch some instances of bioluminescence.

[ ] Do an activity in the oceanography lab
Our oceanography lab gives you firsthand experience running experiments and taking data from the ocean. We take samples to measure temperature, water clarity, and bottom composition, and learn about how light travels through the water.
[ ] Bond with your camp counselor
Catalina Sea Camp is exceptionally proud of our dedicated staff who come together to make a difference in the lives of our campers. They’re there to help you feel comfortable and at home during your time at camp and will happily talk to you about all things ocean, marine life, and the best way to get water out of your ear.